Category Athletes

325 Rearch results for "Athletes"

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News: 30 June 2020

Entry World Trail Champs

Details and Entry List for IAU Trail World Championships. The 5th IAU Trail World Championships is progressing very well wih less than 2 weeks to go.

News: 5 August 2020

IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Run Presidents Club

'The Presidents Club team signals to the global ultrarunning family that we are all in this together. It also serves as a motivation to all our athletes to see their Federation leadership participating with them in this endeavor' - Nadeem Khan, IAU President

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 100 km Americas Championship GIS

2019 IAU 100 km Americas Championship GIS. The 2019 IAU 100 km Americas Championships was granted to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Championships will take place on 27th July 2019. All the IAU Member Federations that are eligible to take part of this continental championship have just been sent the invitations, entry forms (Preliminary Entry Form and Final Entry Form) and General Information Sheet (GIS).

News: 30 June 2020

PEFs Winschoten

Preliminary Entry Forms for 100km World Champs. The Preliminary Entry Forms (PEF) for the 100km World Champs have steadily been coming in to the IAU.

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